Huwebes, Enero 12, 2012

kinds of Love (classification)

                              Love can be classify to us as puppy love,true love and love at first sight. But for me it is love that cannot be classify or explain because even if what kind of love do you feel for someone you love just be thankful that once in your life you feel it.

Breakfast (cause and effect)

                     Breakfast is said to be the most important time to spend with food because your stomach is empty after a long digestion at night  when we are sleeping but sometimes I do not give importance to it because of sometime there will be a rush hour, but this simple negligence can cause you to suffer from ULCER and this can cause to death so I learn now not to skip from breakfast because we do not know what will happen next day. Only God knows!

What is love? (definition)

                  Love is a feeling you cannot resist once it will come to your life!                                                                                                      
               They say that  Love is a very special feeling and important thing that can be happen to a person.It is very  Amazing here in this world that Love can only be defined by two lovers and also amazing that this two people find each other. how great is to love and to be loved!

An Organization (description)

                   Alpha Sigma Omega frat and sor since 1962 is one of the top  fraternities in the philippines this so called organization can be found in the universities here in our country and on other  neighboring countries.
                Before you enter this said organization you must be suited from their qualification for being a member,it aims for service and help make student more competitive and more discipline.
              Others may say that fraternity is not good for the student but I may say that it is not true because organization like this makes you well-oriented  from reality beyond reality and I'm proud to be one of them.

my new life(compare and contrast)

                    After graduating high school days, I decided to stop 1 year because of financial problem and that 1 year really affect my physical and emotional aspect in life.
                    I decided to work and that time I learn many vises because of many influence unlike now, when i start going to college education many good things i have learn and all those bad things and vises of yesterday are all gone.I hope it could be better by this year and throughout  the year that can pass through my life!

Martes, Disyembre 13, 2011

How to change people

Self-concept has many definitions but they all have the same meaning, which is, your perception of yourself and of your abilities. When I ask you to describe yourself in one page, you will dump all you think about yourself. The way you view your capabilities is called "Self-concept".
Examples of Self concept could be:
“I am a sociable person”
“I can solve any problem”
“I am fat”
“I am unattractive”
“I am clumsy”
“I am uncontrollable”
The most dangerous thing about having a distorted self-concept is that your subconscious mind always works to fulfill yourself concept. For example, if you see yourself as an unattractive person then you won’t try to be attractive. This self-concept may hinder you from trying to follow a healthy diet, make you buy unattractive clothes and even force you to act in an unattractive way!!
Trying to become attractive without changing your self-concept will never work. You will feel that there is something artificial in your behavior. If you want to change something about yourself then you have to understand that you must begin by changing your self-concept.
If your self-concept is that you are clumsy, you will always act accordingly to that even if you try your best to conceal that side of you. The self-concept is stored in the subconscious mind. The harder you try to do something that doesn’t match with your self-concept, the more you will find your attempts useless.
A salesperson who has a self-concept of being a failure will always fail to meet his target. A guy who has a self-concept of lacking confidence will always act without confidence even if he tries hard. The athlete with a self-concept of not having the ability to win the gold medal will never get it.
To summarize this, it's almost impossible to challenge your self-concept and that’s why you should try to change it instead of challenging it.
Suppose that someone has a self-concept of being persistent, how do you think this will impact his behavior? This person will keep trying to reach his goals even if he failed hundreds of times. On the other hand, if his self-concept was that he was a victim, he would have given up after the first try!!!
So it's all about the self-concept. Having a self-concept of being motivated will result in making you motivated, and having a self-concept of being successful will result in making you successful.
When you upgrade your self-concept, your subconscious mind will change everything accordingly in order to fulfill that self-concept, so just change your self-concept and let your subconscious mind do the adjustments.
You are what you think. So if you want to change something about yourself start by changing your self-concept first and then you will find the change happening effortlessly.
So what does all this have to do with relationships? One of the biggest mistake people make in a relationship is trying to change someone by convincing them that they’re bad. For example, telling your husband that he is irresponsible and that he is in a deep need to become responsible will only result in changing his self concept to being an irresponsible person.
A man who keeps telling his son “you’re stupid! You need to study more” will help his son to develop a self concept of being less intelligent than other people. The correct way to change a person is not by tell them that they’re bad and need to become good but rather by telling them that they are better than their current behavior
If this man told his son that he is a very smart and that these grades do not belong to someone with mental abilities like his, then the son will try to match the self concept his father formed.
If you want to convince your partner to stop smoking then the first thing you should do is to convince him/her that he/she is not a smoker but is rather someone who smokes. Tell your partner that he/she doesn’t belong to this category of unhealthy people and that they are much better than the behavior they are doing and you will notice the change that will happen to them.
If you want to change someone, upgrade his/her self concept first then help them stick to their new self concept.

Reasons and Ways to stop SMOKING

Although smoking is a difficult addiction to kick it is an addiction that can be kicked and beating this addiction should be your number one priority in life. The effect of smoking on health can result in cancer, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease all of which dramatically shorten a person's life span and result in one in two life long smokers dying of a smoking related disease. Do you really need any more reasons to stop smoking cigarettes.
Smoking also affects the health of those who breathe in your cigarette smoke. Second-hand smoke can lead to bronchitis and pneumonia in young children and those teenagers with parents who smoke are twice as likely to start smoking themselves. One of the best examples you can set for a child is to give up smoking yourself.
If you are thinking about stopping smoking then it is best to start with a strong set of reasons for stopping smoking which will keep you motivated and help you remain a non-smoker even when times are tough.
You also will need to decide on the method you will use to stop smoking. Some smokers will stop smoking cold turkey, others attempt to cut down gradually on the number of cigarettes they smoke each day hoping to eventually reach zero, but there are plenty of ways to quit.
Nicotine replacement therapy is one of the most popular quit smoking aids around with the nicotine patch, gum, inhaler and spray to choose from. These products supply you with a dose of nicotine via a different method to smoking and are intended to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
These products are however not quit smoking cures and although they may work for one smoker they may not work for another. Nicotine replacement therapy products also have side effects and if you suffer from a heart condition or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding then you should check with your doctor before using the patch, gum, inhaler or spray.
If you have tried nicotine replacement therapy only to find it ineffective then maybe hypnotherapy or laser therapy could help you stop smoking. These method although more expensive have helped many smokers stop smoking and if either works for you then it will be money well spent.
Finally get all the help and support you can from friends and family. Cigarette are extremely difficult to give up and the more support you have when you give up smoking and when you go through withdrawal symptoms the greater you're chance of remaining a non-smoker.